Verge Artists’ Salon
February 21, 2024
This month’s topic: A Seat at The Table
Description: This month in honor of Black History/ Black Futures Month the chance to refocus, to spotlight Black Artists and ensure inclusion, equality and that historically unheard voices get their time in the discussion. Community discourse should reflect the entire community, as a whole. As museums and galleries are opening up their acquisitions to more artists of diverse backgrounds it is important that the art world makes sure the room is given for a seat at the table that is permanent.
Join us Wednesday, February 21st, 5:30PM – 7:30PM for Verge Artists’ Salon.
A free monthly event at Verge Center for the Arts.
There will be light refreshments and snacks available for before/after the discussion.
There are required readings.
For Barkley Hendricks, Finally a Seat at the Head of the Table- Yinka Elujoba
PDF Version
Reflections on A Seat at the Table at NMAAHC- Kayleigh Bryant-Greenwell