September Artists’ Salon
September 18, 2024
This Month’s Topic: Taking Up Space
Description: How do artists hold their truths and take up the space they deserve in art spaces? Not only in taking and holding space but also giving themselves as artists with different cultures, ages, genders and backgrounds the liberty of scaling work to large scale.
Join us Wednesday, September 18th, 5:30PM – 7:30PM for Verge Artists’ Salon.
A free event at Verge Center for the Arts. There will be light refreshments and snacks available for before/after the discussion.
There are required readings.
Required Reading Article:
Supplemental Articles:
Please RSVP: https://vergeart.corsizio.com/event/66c7901653146045d2e7960d
This program offers a unique opportunity for artists across the Sacramento community to come together and engage in meaningful discussions about various topics and themes related to the arts and creative passions. To stimulate ideas in artistic practice and creating social connections throughout the community.
On the third Wednesday of each month, the Artists’ Salon explores a different theme, supported by curated academic readings to enrich the conversation. Sessions are typically moderated by Verge staff, with occasional guest moderators leading the dialogue.