Example of accordion books

Accordion Books Workshop

instructor: Nikki Thompson

category: Book Arts

for: Adults

price: $50


The accordion is a flexible book structure with many possibilities. In this workshop you will learn the proper way to fold an accordion, glue envelopes to an accordion, make a flag book, and last but not least, we’ll finish up with a hard cover accordion.

About the Instructor:

Nikki Thompson is a book artist (aka Deconstructed Artichoke Press) and poet. With an MFA from the California College of the Arts, her art explores architecture, feminism, and the politics of work through the mixed media of bookmaking, printmaking, and photography. Her work has been awarded First Prize at Gallerie Renee Marie and a Purchase Prize at 23 Sandy Gallery, as well as a nomination for a Pushcart Prize and recipient of the College Book Arts Association Project Assistance Grant. Her work can be seen at deconstructedartichokepress.com.

Twitter/Insta: d_artichoke

FB: DeconstructedArtichokePress

WHEN: Saturday November 23rd, 2019

TIME: 10 am. to 1pm.

PRICE:   $50 (8 students max.)

WHERE: Myrtle Press

WHO: Adults