After School Comics Workshop
instructor: Eben Burgoon
category: Comic Books
for: 10-15 year olds
price: $105 for non-members, $95 for Verge members
In this four session after school workshop series you will learn the techniques for creating comic books from the fuzzy and ill-defined comic creative Eben Burgoon. Get a handle on the basic process behind comics at the professional level, gain storytelling and character design tips, while composing your own quick zine-style jam comics with Eben and the rest of the class!
About the instructor:
Eben Burgoon writes comic book, sculpts with masking tape, designs socks, stewards elderly dachshunds, and names streets.
Follow on Instagram @BurgooneyTunes
WHEN: September 4th, 18th, 25th and October 2nd, 2019
TIME: 5-7:30PM
PRICE: $105 for non-members, $95 for Verge members (Value breaks down to $26.25 per class PLUS an admission to the Crocker Con!)
WHO: 10-15 year olds