Shows how an image of a girl on an iphone is transferred onto a metal plate with dry point, and then a paper print of the same image from the dry point

Drawing into the Print with Drypoint

instructor: Katherine Venturelli

category: printmaking, myrtle press

for: Adults

price: $135


Learn the basics of this simple non-toxic printmaking technique developed in the 15th century.  It is the most direct of all intaglio techniques and only requires scratching into a metal or plastic plate with a sharp needle. Drypoint technique is valued for its fresh and expressive lines which create a deep richness to an image. In a hands-on experience, workshop participants will learn the fundamentals of plate-making, use of simple drypoint tools, inking, press printing techniques, and explore the possibilities of adding monoprint and chine collé/collaging to the image. Drawing may be completed at home during the interval. In the second session, we spend the day experimenting with printing.  All levels welcomed!

Material List and instructional handouts will be provided. Please bring a lunch if you desire.

About the instructor:

Katherine is noted and awarded for her mixed media prints and artists books which are created in her print studio located in Amador County. Her artworks are held in numerous private and special collections including the Palace Legion of Honor, S.F., and the Crocker Art Museum. As an art instructor and lecturer for the past 40 years, she has been able to share her passion for the printmaking medium.  


WHEN: Two Sessions on Saturday Nov. 2nd & Saturday Nov.9th , 2019

TIME: 10 am to 4pm

PRICE:   $100 for both sessions (10 students max.)

Material Fee $35 paid to instructor (additional fee for larger plate selection)

WHERE: Myrtle Press

WHO: Adults