Get Them to Your Studio: How to Have an Amazing Art Sale
instructor: Kate Farrall
category: Art Sale
for: All Artists
price: $35 for members, $45 for non-members
Come to this workshop to get ready and excited to host your next art event like Sac Open Studios.You’ll learn how to get the word out over the months prior to your event so you’re ready for a great open studio or holiday sale!
You’ll gain know-how that you can implement right away and throughout the year with all of your outreach efforts. No matter your reasons for your studio event- to sell work, share your art with designers, gallerists and collectors, or to have a party- this workshop will leave you feeling excited and capable to tackle those non-art making tasks.
You’ll learn:
-How to promote your art studio event.
-How to prepare for sales, even if you’ve never sold a piece.
-Props you need.
-Pricing: How to be more sure about the prices you put on your art.
-How to engage visitors, even if you’re an introvert.
-Three important activities to do after your studio event to make sure you get the most out of it.
-Success stories from artists who’ve done it right that’ll spark your own great ideas.
-Outreach Calendar: A schedule for what to post and when.
-Social Media Copy Me File: Social Media posts that you can copy and paste to get people there.
WHEN: June 7th, 2017 from 6:00pm-8:00pm
PRICE: $35 for members, $45 for non-members
FREE for participating Sac Open Studio artists