Getting Out There: Portfolio Development Workshop and Review
instructor: Liv Moe
category: Development Workshop
for: Sacramento Area Artists
price: $35 for members, $45 for non-members plus $20 for optional portfolio review
This 2 hour workshop will provide you with information on how to assemble a competitive portfolio as well as an optional one on one review time with regional arts professionals. The workshop will begin with an hour long presentation lead by Verge Center for the Arts Founding Director Liv Moe who will lead you through some basic guidelines for approaching galleries, researching open calls, and reviewing grant opportunities. Following the presentation attendees can select up to two arts professionals to review their portfolios.
Note, to participate in the portfolio review you must bring a materials to discuss including images and a CV. Reservations for portfolio review will be made on a first come first serve basis.
Date: 1:00pm-3:00pm, January 14th 2017
Price: $35 for members, $45 for non-members plus $20 for optional portfolio review
Reviewers Include:
Francesca Wilmott, Associate Curator at the Manetti Shrem Museum
Shelly Willis, Public Art Consultant and Curator