Community Update

Thank you to all those who have reached out recently with messages of support, questions seeking clarity, or sincere feedback for the betterment of Verge. Over the last few weeks, we have engaged in productive conversations with studio artists, staff, and supporters, and have come to recognize this moment as an opportunity to hear from all those who wish to see our organization improve and deepen its relationships with our community.
With the feedback we have already received, we have begun taking steps toward updating some key policies and procedures that dictate how Verge is run. These will include:
- Establishing systems to reach and beneficially engage with a more diverse audience so that everyone feels welcome, included and considered at Verge.
- A more robust scholarship solution for all of our programs to increase accessibility for all.
- Increased artist representation on our Board of Directors, promoting a more inclusive and communicative atmosphere as well as increasing the ethnic, generational, and socioeconomic diversity of the Board.
These are only our first steps — moving forward, we commit to a practice of accepting feedback with grace and a desire to grow with our community in mind. With humility, we hope that we can count on all of you for advice, encouragement, and patience as we continue to develop into the organization that this community deserves.